KashiPair is a masterContract for BentoBox that provides functionality for supplying an asset, borrowing that asset by supplying capital, and links to an oracle for the exchange rate.
function init(bytes calldata data) public payable override
This function serves as the constructor for clone contracts, as the clones can't have a regular constructor.
Name | Type | Description |
data | bytes | abi-encoded collateral, asset, oracle, oracleData |
Accrues the interest on the borrowed tokens and handles the accumulation of fees.
function _isSolvent(
address user,
bool open,
uint256 _exchangeRate
) internal view returns (bool)
Internal function used by the solvent
modifier, it checks if the user is solvent in the closed liquidation case.
Name | Type | Description |
user | address | user address |
open | bool | liquidation case open or closed |
_exchangeRate | uint256 | exchange rate |
function updateExchangeRate() public returns (bool updated, uint256 rate)
Gets the exchange rate and returns it.
Name | Type | Description |
updated | bool | updated yes or no |
rate | uint256 | exchange rate |
function _addTokens(
IERC20 token,
uint256 share,
uint256 total,
bool skim
) internal
Internal helper function to move tokens.
Name | Type | Description |
token | IERC20 | token to add |
share | uint256 | amount in shares to add |
total | uint256 | total amount to deduct from this contract's balance |
skim | bool | if true, only does a balance check on this contract |
function addCollateral(
address to,
bool skim,
uint256 share
) public
Adds collateral
from msg.sender to the account to
Name | Type | Description |
to | address | recipient address |
skim | bool | true if the amount should be skimmed from the deposit balance of msg.sender |
share | uint256 | amount of shares to add for to |
function _removeCollateral(address to, uint256 share) internal
Internal function called by removeCollateral
, it removes share
amount of collateral and transfers it to the account to
Name | Type | Description |
to | address | recipient address |
share | uint256 | amount of shares to remove |
function removeCollateral(address to, uint256 share) public solvent
Calls _removeCollateral
, which removes share
amount of collateral and transfers it to the account to
Name | Type | Description |
to | address | recipient address |
share | uint256 | amount of shares to remove |
function _addAsset(
address to,
bool skim,
uint256 share
) internal returns (uint256 fraction)
Internal function called by addAsset
, it adds assets to the lending pair and returns the total fractions added.
Name | Type | Description |
to | address | recipient address |
skim | bool | true if the amount should be skimmed from the deposit balance of msg.sender |
share | uint256 | amount of shares to add |
Name | Type | Description |
fraction | uint256 | total fractions added |
function addAsset(
address to,
bool skim,
uint256 share
) public returns (uint256 fraction)
Calls _addAsset
, which adds assets to the lending pair and returns the total fractions added.
Name | Type | Description |
to | address | recipient address |
skim | bool | true if the amount should be skimmed from the deposit balance of msg.sender |
share | uint256 | amount of shares to add |
Name | Type | Description |
fraction | uint256 | total fractions added |
function _removeAsset(address to, uint256 fraction) internal returns (uint256 share)
Internal function called by removeAsset
, it removes an asset from msg.sender and transfers it to to
Name | Type | Description |
to | address | recipient address |
fraction | uint256 | amount/fraction of assets held to remove |
Name | Type | Description |
share | uint256 | amount of shares that were transferred |
function removeAsset(address to, uint256 fraction) public returns (uint256 share)
Calls _removeAsset
, which removes an asset from msg.sender and transfers it to to
Name | Type | Description |
to | address | recipient address |
fraction | uint256 | amount/fraction of assets held to remove |
Name | Type | Description |
share | uint256 | amount of shares that were transferred |
function _borrow(address to, uint256 amount) internal returns (uint256 part, uint256 share)
Internal function called by borrow
, it allows sender to borrow amount
and transfers it to the account to
Name | Type | Description |
to | address | recipient address |
amount | uint256 | amount to borrow |
Name | Type | Description |
part | uint256 | total part of debt held by borrowers |
share | uint256 | total amount in shares borrowed |
function borrow(address to, uint256 amount) public solvent returns (uint256 part, uint256 share)
Calls _borrow
, which allows sender to borrow amount
and transfers it to the account to
Name | Type | Description |
to | address | recipient address |
amount | uint256 | amount to borrow |
Name | Type | Description |
part | uint256 | total part of debt held by borrowers |
share | uint256 | total amount in shares borrowed |
function _repay(
address to,
bool skim,
uint256 part
) internal returns (uint256 amount)
Internal function called by repay
, it repays a loan and returns the total amount paid.
Name | Type | Description |
to | address | recipient address |
skim | bool | true if the amount should be skimmed from the deposit balance of msg.sender |
part | uint256 | amount to repay |
Name | Type | Description |
amount | uint256 | total amount repaid |
function repay(
address to,
bool skim,
uint256 part
) public returns (uint256 amount)
Calls _repay
, which repays a loan and returns the total amount paid.
Name | Type | Description |
to | address | recipient address |
skim | bool | true if the amount should be skimmed from the deposit balance of msg.sender |
part | uint256 | amount to repay |
Name | Type | Description |
amount | uint256 | total amount repaid |
function _bentoDeposit(
bytes memory data,
uint256 value,
uint256 value1,
uint256 value2
) internal returns (uint256, uint256)
Internal helper function for depositing into bentoBox
Name | Type | Description |
data | bytes | abi-encoded data |
value | uint256 | value |
value1 | uint256 | value1 |
value2 | uint256 | value2 |
function _bentoWithdraw(
bytes memory data,
uint256 value1,
uint256 value2
) internal returns (uint256, uint256)
Internal helper function for withdrawing from bentoBox
Name | Type | Description |
data | bytes | abi-encoded data |
value | uint256 | value |
value1 | uint256 | value1 |
value2 | uint256 | value2 |
function _call(
uint256 value,
bytes memory data,
uint256 value1,
uint256 value2
) internal returns (bytes memory, uint8)
Internal helper function for performing a contract call and eventually extracting revert messages on failure.
Name | Type | Description |
data | bytes | abi-encoded data |
value | uint256 | value |
value1 | uint256 | value1 |
value2 | uint256 | value2 |
function cook(
uint8[] calldata actions,
uint256[] calldata values,
bytes[] calldata datas
) external payable returns (uint256 value1, uint256 value2)
Executes a set of actions and allows composability (contract calls) to other contracts.
Name | Type | Description |
actions | uint8[] | array with a sequence of actions to execute |
values | uint256[] | mapped array to actions , ETH amounts to send along with actions |
datas | bytes[] | mapped array to actions , abi-encoded data of function arguments |
Name | Type | Description |
value1 | uint256 | first positioned return value of the last executed action, if applicable |
value2 | uint256 | second positioned return value of the last executed action which returns 2 values, if applicable |
function liquidate(
address[] calldata users,
uint256[] calldata maxBorrowParts,
address to,
ISwapper swapper,
bool open
) public
Handles the liquidation of users' balances, once the users' amount of collateral is too low.
Name | Type | Description |
users | address[] | array of user addresses |
maxBorrowParts | uint256[] | mapped array to users , contains maximum borrow amounts to liquidate of the respective user |
to | address | address of receiver in open liquidations |
swapper | ISwapper | swapper contract address |
open | bool | true to perform an open liquidation, else false |
function withdrawFees() public
Withdraws the fees accumulated.
function setSwapper(ISwapper swapper, bool enable) public onlyOwner
Registers and enables / disables swapper contracts used in closed liquidations. Can only be called by the owner of the contract.
Name | Type | Description |
swapper | ISwapper | swapper contract address |
enable | bool | true to enable swapper, false to disable |
function setFeeTo(address newFeeTo) public onlyOwner
Sets the beneficiary of fees accrued in liquidations. Can only be called by the owner of the contract.
Name | Type | Description |
newFeeTo | address | new beneficiary address |